The Idea
Henger is a father and son team with a combined 65 years of experience in the Picture Framing industry. This experience spans both retail framing and wholesale Picture Framing supply in Tasmania, Australia.
The initial idea behind Henger stemmed from a desire for a simpler, more efficient way to hang artwork level and for it to stay that way.
Henger is a reinvention of and improvement on the traditional techniques of picture hanging.
At Henger, we have a strong belief in not “contributing to the problem”.
We have gone to great lengths to ensure that our system contributes as little as possible to landfill.
Our point-of-sale bags are produced using Bio plastic that will break down in landfill in up to three months, while the bag topper is recyclable cardboard.
Possibly the most important environmental choice we have made, given the quantity produced, is to have the marking studs made using HDPE that is a curb side recyclable plastic.
These marking studs are a single use item that is provided in each point-of-sale bag, hence the need for them to be recyclable.